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About Jane Tao

About Jane Tao


Jane Tao is a new media artist and who is inspired by religious content and stories of people around her but focuses on having a dualistic meaning among lessons, religion, and reality, rather than a fragmentary meaning. She studied at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in the Film & New Media, and Art & Technology Studies. Her philosophy of art is to convey emotions and thoughts that people did not know or forgot, giving them a chance to think about them again to face the reality. She provides new directions for overcoming those by breaking the existing visual and conceptual frames of a story by using a 3d space to push meaning beyond appearances.


This can be seen in her works “Looking above, Looking forward” and “The Real.” “Looking above, Looking forward,” which was created into two different spaces that are ‘reality’ and ‘future reality.’ It is about breaking through the reality which is not real and looking forward to a better life in a future reality for people who are full of depression and frustration. “The Real” is about keeping agonizing over what is real and what is fake, due to pursuing success, knowledge, power, etc. Viewers can believe now would be true, but it is revealed as an illusion by breaking the frame of current space.


Through her experience in various fields including graphic design and new media art, she developed a practice of choosing and experimenting with various mediums of art pieces related to the theme. This led her to pursue mixed media based on video fusing with sculpture, drawing, media art, and even science and sound. Currently, she develops a body of 3d digital art that can interact with people and use both virtual and real space such as site-specific works, immersive art, and XR performance.

도재인(Jane Tao)는 미국 시카고와 한국을 기반으로 활동하고 있는 뉴미디어 아티스트이자 3D 아티스트다. 덕성여자대학교에서 시각디자인학과를 나온 후, 시카고 예술대학교(SAIC)에서 아티스트로서의 방향성을 확장시켰다. 사람들이 지나치거나 잊고 있었던 감정과 생각과 같은 무형의 개념을 시각화 하여 다시 돌아볼 수 있도록 표현한다. 가상과 실제 세계의 융합하여 3D 실험 애니메이션, 비디오 설치, 비디오 퍼포먼스 등의 여러 기술들을 실험하며, 시각적인 틀과 개념적인 틀을 깨고 사람들에게 새로운 방향성을 제시한다. 여러 의미를 내포하는 작품을 교훈, 종교, 현실을 통해 영감을 얻고 작품을 제작한다. 현재 실제와 가상의 공존하는 공간 속 관객 참여형 인터렉티브 3D 작업을 실험하고, 실제 갤러리, 가상 갤러리 모두 전시를 하고 있으며, NFT 아트, 몰입형 아트, 비디오 퍼포먼스, 그리고 XR 퍼포먼스까지 도전 중에 있다.

CICA 미술관 Art Teleported 2023(한국)에서 개인전을 비롯해, Kinoumural 미디어 파사드 축제(폴란드), 아르츠 일렉트로니카 아트 글로벌 갤러리(오스트리아), NewArt City 의 ‘Perennial Sanctuary’ 가상 전시(시카고), ‘Lost in Realtime Like Tears in Rain’ 비디오 퍼포먼스(시카고), Roman Susand 의 ‘Screen Test’(시카고) 상영 및 전시 등에 참여했다. 최근, 다양한 사운드 아티스트와 가수와 협업하고 있다.



Aug 2019 - Dec 2021

School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Bachelor of Fine Arts, Focused on Film & New Media / Art &Tech

Mar 2014 - Feb 2019

Duksung Women’s University

Bachelor of Visual Communication Design


Nov 2023(Upcoming)

JoongAng Media Art competition, Coex Media Tower 

"흐르는 미래", Media Facade, Seoul, South Korea

Nov 2023(Upcoming)

<Super Testbed> Art Korea Lab 2023, Vjing, Art Korea Lab

"숨 쉬어 가다", Audio Visualization(Vjing), Seoul, South Korea

Sep 2023(Upcoming)

Digerati Emergent Media Festival, Denver Digerati

"A Journey of Dream-chasing Feet", Sie Film Center, Denver, USA

Jan 2023 

Art Teleported 2023, Solo Exhibition <Over and Over>, CICA Museum

Solo Exhibition <Over and Over> and conference in Art Teleported 2023, Gimpo, South Korea

Sep 2022

"Screen Test", Roman Susan Art Foundation

"Face and Light II" & "Manoah" as a team Elspread , Berger Park Cultural Center(Coach House), Chicago, USA

Apr 2022- Current

Virtual Exhibition “Perennial Sanctuary”, New Art City

"Face and Light II", Virtual Exhibition

Dec 2021

Lost in Realtime Like Tears in Rain, Video Live Performance "Realtime.Party"

"Dust", Video live performance on the online platform "REALTIME.PARTY", Online Live

Nov 2021

School of the Art Institute of Chicago BFA Show, SAIC Galleries

"Unseen Movement", School of the Art Institute of Chicago BFA Show, Chicago, USA

Nov 2020

2020 Corea Impact of On:Hallyu Festival, Neo-Space, XR Live Performance

Singer Samel Seo's "Jungle Riot" XR live performance, directing by our team "Neo-Space", Online Live

Sep 2020

Kinomural 2020, Poland

"Time Layers", Architectural Projection Festival, Kinomural 2020, Wroclaw Nadodrze, Poland

Sep 9th - 23rd 2020

Ars Electronica .Art Global Gallery

"Looking Above, Looking Forward", New Media Festival, Ars Electronica .Art Global Gallery, Austria

Nov 2018

Graduation Exhibition, Iang gallery

"The Real" & "Beam Project", Duksung Women’s University Undergraduate Exhibition, Seoul, South Korea


Jul 2022

HXOUSE LABS World Tour Chicago

NFT project team and workshop for the singer The Weeknd about After Hours til Dawn Tour

Aug 2020 - Nov 2020

Visual director, XR Live Performance(Singer Samuel Seo's Jungle Riot)

Visual director including planning, directing, and 3d design in XR live performance of Samuel Seo's "Jungle Riot",
from Korea Creative Content Agency with Company Giant Step

Feb 2018

Volunteer for British Council

Volunteer for British Council & PR materials distribution
At Gwanghwamun Kt Live Site of  PyeongChang Olympics

Oct 2017

Connected City Volunteer

Korea/Uk 2017-2018 Reciprocal Programs of the British Council &  Seoul Design

Apr 2017

Seoul Museum of Art & PaTI

Processing program activity

Mar 2017

Contents Korea Lab Incheon

the magazine planning and making program

July 2016

Art Director, J.Han Band

Art Director for producing music video

Aug 2014 - Mar 2018

Design Team Leader, Onnuri Church

Producing for Onnuri Church brochures

Apr 2014

Volunteer, Duksung Visual Comm. Design Dept. event

Helper on the Duksung Visual Comm. Design Dept. event
At the Hangaram Art Museum, Seoul Arts Center

Award and Qualification

Aug 2019 - 2021

Distinguished Scholar scholarship

at School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Mar 2018

Excellent scholarship

at Duksung Women’s University

Sep 2016

Corporate Scholarship

Corporate Scholarship from Won And One

Sep 2016

Excellent scholarship

at Duksung Women’s University

Jun 2016

Special selection Award at 2016 Communication Design Intl.Art Contest

in Communication Ass.of Korea

Mar 2016

Excellent scholarship

at Duksung Women’s University

Mar 2016

Scholarship for Improving Grades

at Duksung Women’s University

Mar 2015

Excellent scholarship

at Duksung Women’s University

Sep 2014

Senior scholarship

at Duksung Women’s University

Apr 2014

1st & 2nd Rate of Graphic Technology Qualification

1st & 2nd Rate of Graphic Technology Qualification, Korea Productivity Center

© 2022 JaneTao. All rights reserved.

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